P.E. Physical Education. The one class students either dread or love. From the Pacer test to Vvolleyball there’s a fun physical game to play.
Have you ever wondered why someone would become a P.E. teacher? Ms. Heidtke is here to answer your question.
“The P.E. teaching opportunity basically fell into my lap,” Ms. Heidtke said, “when I got out of college, I coached college volleyball. I taught in Charleston, but I didn’t like all the recruiting and being gone every single week.” said Heidtke.
As a P.E. teacher Ms. Heidtke’s favorite part about teaching is, “the kids,” Ms. Heidtke said, “even though they’re quite crazy, I love teaching them.”
Ms. Heidtke has been a P.E. teacher for 10 years, but this year was her first year being a head volleyball coach for our school. Ms. Heidtke, while finding coaching challenging, enjoys the rewards that come with it.
“I would describe it as challenging, but super rewarding too.” Ms. Heidtke said, “building relationships with everyone involved was super rewarding and fun to watch them throughout the year.”
Along with school spirit, “The SALC program will help the student involvement and the sports game attendance and help grow our sports teams.”
Not everyone in the school participates in sports or in P.E., but Ms. Heidtke is working hard to change that.
“Well, being that were such a new school, the students are really lucky,” Ms. Heidtke said, “because they might be making teams that they wouldn’t at an established high school that’s been here for a while.”
As the years go on, Ms. Heidtke hopes her coaching efforts will build school sport participation.
“I think that as the school keeps going on and on, I think more and more people will get involved in the team and we’ll just keep getting better and better.” Ms. Heidtke said. “I think we’ve got really good students here who are kind and caring and giving wanting to get involved so I feel like it’s such a fun atmosphere to come to work because of the students.”
Since being a P.E. teacher at Gainesville, Ms. Heidtke said “it’s fun for me personally because our P.E. department, everyone who works in it are really fun and gets along well.”
From being a college volleyball player to a high school P.E. teacher Ms. Heidtke wouldn’t trade this job for the world.