Welcoming The New School Year
Mr. Beech, Principal of Gainesville High School
September 12, 2022
The 2022-23 school year is upon us, and it is kicking off to a quick start.
“I was frankly just really impressed with how students, faculty, and staff did last week. Things got running quickly and smoothly and there was a positive vibe around school, so I think we’ve had a good start to the school year.” Principal Neil Beech said.
Beech has been principal of the school since its opening last year and has watched the school progress to where it is today.
“It’s amazing the difference a year makes. I think we had a good school year last year, but there were so many things going on at the beginning of last year; from coming back to school face to face, students wearing masks, we had QR codes on the lunch tables just to know where people sit, the school was underpopulated in the sense that we had several hallways that were unused, so you take all of those, not necessarily negative things, but all those pieces of the backdrop away and it felt like almost a ‘normal’ start to a school year,” Beech said.
With the school opening amid the COVID-19 crisis, many changes have arisen this year, for instance, masks in school are no longer required and the school now has a full student body–including freshman through senior classes.
“The fact that we have some additional student leadership in the senior class and the junior class, students who’ve been here for a year already, students who are already invested in things that are going on around the school, is making a difference already.”
Beech also offered some words of advice to new and returning students, “work hard. Working hard is the key to high school success, find things you’re passionate about and get involved, and commit to pursuing those things, and don’t underestimate the power you have to make a better place.”
Katelyn Burton • Nov 17, 2022 at 6:34 am