Small Ways We Can Minimize Global Warming


Nick Fewings

Part of a wall in Singapore, made out of plastic waste. Photo Courtesy of Nick Fewings.

Nikki Liu, Guest Journalist

Global Warming is the most imminent threat to our planet. It cannot be solved through war or diplomacy, only through our own actions. So, what are some ways we can help the atmosphere and the planet we are living on? There are many tiny ways we can contribute to help the cause of preserving the Earth.

Common things people would do is reduce, reuse, and recycle. That can range from picking up harmful plastics, donating, upcycling and reducing water usage. Small things such as deleting your unwanted emails, buying less, using LED lighting, improving insulation, changing your browser to Ecosia or Ocean Hero and unplugging unused outlets help to fight back and lessen your carbon footprint.

If you want a relaxing and fun craft to do while you are bored, you can make an eco-brick. Ecobricking is where you cut and stuff plastic into a plastic bottle. This helps reduce plastic from being deposed into the ocean. These bottles can be used to build houses in less fortunate areas. Another big way to reduce Carbon emissions would be to use cars less or switch to the electric car model. California’s new executive order said, “by 2035, all new cars and passenger trucks sold in California be zero-emission vehicles.” This is a monumental change that will set the stage for future places to change, as well as move forward into the future of eco-friendly transportation.

As small as it is, any change in pushing back climate change will help the future of the planet. If all of us were to start taking a leap forward, this would have a positive and hefty impact on the Earth.